Faith in Action

Students at every age level are engaged and challenged by our Love in Action Plan.
This plan fosters solidarity with those in physical and spiritual need in our community and the world. The Church’s social teachings propel service activities both in and out of school. Some service projects are targeted to a particular age group helping with their specific developmental understanding of selflessness. Other activities are school-wide events engaging all students. Many projects mirror those in the parish, building the foundation for students to become actively involved in ministry as they mature into adults.
Regardless of the type of service, the partnership with the home is essential to the nurturing of a child’s understanding of how their faith and everyday life merge, from simple acts of kindness to full blown service projects.
- Back to School BOGO Drive
- Thanksgiving Food Drive
- Christmas Toy Drive
- Lenten Food Drive
- Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Rice Bowl
- Growing & Giving (PK2 entering PK3 Diaper Drive)
- Support of Saint Bernadette, our sister school in Haiti
- Respect Life Baby Bottle Campaign
- Feed the Heart